
Monday, May 27, 2013

2013 Origin Pro Comp Gi Review

2013 Origin Pro Comp Gi

I recently (about three weeks) received the Origin Pro Comp Gi.  Since receiving I have worn it about two times per week, and washed it once a week.  I wanted to take the opportunity to do a quick review of the gi for anyone who is considering making this purchase.  I will cover the fit, function, craftsmanship, and value of the gi.


The fit of the gi initially felt very long!  I talk about this in my video:  In addition to that short video however, I should say that it is also somewhat of a slender fit.  I think I talk about this in the video as well.  If you have any questions that aren't answered in my video, please just let me know and I will try to address them here, or make another video.


As for the function of this particular gi, I have found no issues what so ever as of yet.  There are the concerns with length that I mentioned in my video, but the overall function is perfect.  Honestly, this is one of my favorite gis that I have owned or seen in a gym or in a tournament. 

The pants of course deserve a separate mention.  Because the pants are fit more appropriately to the individual buyer, the problems associated with gi pants that don't fit well seem to be non-existent.  It's relatively common for guys to blow out the stitching in the crotch area because the pants don't fit correctly and the sport of BJJ is very demanding on flexibility.  So, usually what ends up happening, is the pants over-sized pants end up falling down slightly, then the tight stitching in the crotch is blown when they are stretched beyond their capacity.  This doesn't seem to be the case with the Origin pants.  Because they are fitted so well, and reinforced with a very functional belt closure system, there is little to no risk of the pants falling down and be stretched in a way they are not meant to be.  As far as function goes, these pants maximize any scoring system you can think of.

The belt.  Wow is all I can really say about the belt.  If you're like me, you are concerned that a belt with a buckle is going to be something that you are going to be able to feel when you are training and competing, and you just don't want that to take up any of your mental energy when you are trying to maximize training or get the win.  Don't worry, after you buckle it up in the locker room, that is the last time you will think about the belt at all.  If anything, you will be thinking something along the lines of "hmmm, my belt hasn't come un-tied yet," or "I should probably check my pants after this roll to make sure they're not falling down."  the truth is that the very fact that you don't notice the belt or buckle after you've buckled your pants, or that you aren't worried about your pants falling down, speaks volumes to the functionality of the belt closure system.  It is no longer something that you are going to have to address several times in the gym, because the system as completely eliminated the need for concern.  The ONLY draw back, is that the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) is not likely to accept the pants in sanctioned IBJJF tournaments.  This is truly unfortunate however, as the belts are truly "progressive."


Again, I have not seen any flaws develop here.  There are some occasional imperfections in the stitching here and there, but this is completely expected, normal, and doesn't in any way concern me as far as the quality of craftsmanship is concerned.  At first glance and three weeks in to training with the gi, the craftsmanship appears to be top notch.  So far I have nothing negative to say, I will keep everyone up to date as/if problems arise


As for the cost of the gi, $224.00 shipped, there are immediate questions about the value of the gi.  I'll admit I was VERY hesitant to order this gi at that cost when I was pre-ordering and there were no reviews to be found anywhere on the internet (thus here I am trying to help out the average consumer).  I found mixed reviews about Origins previous year's gi, but I was totally sucked in to the belt closure system and really wanted to try out the system. 

Additionally, I think that we all have to remember that these gis are actually made here in the USA.  They are not ordered from a Chinese manufacturer with American labels, these are actually cut, assembled, and stitched in the US by Americans.  That alone, and it's impact on the local economy is worth paying at least an extra $25.00 in my book.  I also really like how you can get on Origins YouTube channel and see the actual people working on your gi.  You can see a large part of the whole process and know that you are getting a genuinely American product from genuine Americans

So is it worth it, well, that's up to you and your pocket book, but so far, I say yes!  I think the price of the gi is just about right.  Obviously I would like to pay less for it, but there isn't anything that I wouldn't say that about.


I hope this review has been helpful.  I should say that I am NOT in any way paid by Origin or any of its affiliates.  I am not getting paid nor am I receiving any sort of compensation for this review.  It is my honest feelings toward the product that it is excellent.  Again, I hope this review has been helpful for those who are interested in this gi.

This gi can be purchased from the manufacturer directly at:

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