
Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day - 2013

For many, Memorial Day is little more than a day off of work and a day to get some good deals at all the local retailers.  We Americans often forget why we celebrate this and many other holidays. 

For many of my friends, other veterans, and me, there is a much deeper meaning to holidays like this one.  For those of us who have served, or know others who have, today is filled with memories of the friends and loved ones we have lost; those who answered the call, and never returned home.  With the explosion of social media in recent years, you can't forget if you want to because your "home" page is flooded with pictures of all the men and women who have sacrificed their lives so that we didn't have to; so that we could enjoy our freedoms.  They died so that the average American could enjoy a day off, go shopping, and have an excuse to drink some beer and eat some barbecue. 

I certainly don't intend to bring anyone down .  I think that however you celebrate this holiday and those like it, that the men and women who gave their lives would want you to celebrate it anyway you felt worthy.  I only ask that if you read this, that you will take even one second to say a silent thank you to those that can't partake in the festivities, and offer a word of thanks to the families and friends they left behind, who truly feel the pain that is associated with this holiday.

God Bless you all and God Bless America!

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