
Thursday, June 27, 2013

BJJ Technique of the Week?

I'm just curious if any one goes to a gym that does a position of the week/month or a move of the week/month?  If not, do you incorporate this kind of mind set in to your personal training/drilling plan?

I've used the position of the month idea before, though not religiously, and I think that it did help me out a little in my training.  I think a large part of that help, is simply having something that you can focus on. 

I've decided that I am going to re-institute this in to my training.  The question is: Which position do I work on for July?  I think what I am going to do, is pick one position either top of bottom, and spend extra time in my studies on that one position.  In addition to that, I am going to do a technique of the week from that position.  So, the idea behind this whole concept is that not only will I be focusing on one specific position for the month, but I each week I will drill one specific move from that position daily.  Now, the number's may sound small, but for any of us whom do not do this, we may only get 10 reps on each move that we do in class (if that).  So my idea is to get at least 100 reps on one each week.  I'm thinking, and you guys can chime in with your thoughts, that this will help me become more likely to recognize the situation when it presents itself, and then execute that technique with little to no thought, and up my percentage of success with that particular move. 

If anyone has any additional thoughts on this, I would appreciate your input.

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