
Friday, October 18, 2013

Fiddlerman Carbon Fiber Bow

All right, try to remember that I am still just a novice at the violin, so bear with me and understand that these are the opinions of a novice.  That being said, this is meant to inform, not persuade you in any potential purchases. 

First and foremost, compared to the cheap bow that came with my cheap violin, this bow is of phenomenal quality.  The bow is straight and therefore so is the bow hair.  The from is tight and stays in the exact place that you place it.  The bow is also beautiful.  The mother-of-pearl inlays are gorgeous.  The feel is wonderful.

A video of my review:

Some pictures of the details: 

This picture is a little deceiving.  The balance points were closer than what it looks like.  Sorry, I didn't have the ability to actually measure the balance points though.

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